How to have vacation every day.
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You can feel happiness here, right now.
You don’t have to wait to be somewhere else.
You don’t have to do anything remarkable.
So many people think they have to go somewhere to feel happiness, excitement, adventure.
They have to do something. I fall greatly in that category.
I am the queen of FOMO.
And the queen of longing for adventure. In the pain of being unable to adventure,
I realized what I was wanting to gain from the adventure.
I was looking to escape.
To give me permission to not do things.
To give myself permission to be completely lazy, and produce nothing.
When I am in a new place I see the world with brand new eyes.
My curious eyes are so excited to learn and see new things
My curiosity brings me into the present moment.
Adventure reminds me to slow down,
Enjoy the moment.
Be with the people I am with.
Look at the colors,
Because they wont be there long.
I am fully immersed in the moment.
Because I feel this sense of impermanence.
When I know that I am only going to be there for a short while,
I try to squeeze every second and minute out.
Embrace every moment,
Don’t miss a second with the ocean.
Burrow my feet in the sand.
Listen to the laughter surrounding me.
But what if we could do that not only during adventure,
But even in our daily activities
What if you could just be right where you are right now-
Enjoying the moment - in your usual place, just like you are able to enjoy your moment in your “happy place?”
bringing your happy place to you.
Reminding ourselves that we can live in that emotional place
Every single day. Regardless of where we are.
I like to do this practice on occasion,
The other hidden benefit of this-
It takes the pressure off the doing
The vacation
The place
I used to travel to escape.
To feel happiness
Less pressure
And relax.
I would show up, and 2 things would happen- it would either allow me to completely let go of work. Because I had this boundary for myself with work. It was a short period of time of deliberate non-creativity. To revive my joooj.
Or it left me dissatisfied when I thought this external thing was supposed to make me feel happiness, calm, excitement- but I simply could not. (Ahem, your thoughts create your feelings- so I wasn’t thinking the right thoughts to feel these emotions)
I would put all the power in this thing external to me.
I would put all this pressure and silent expectation on the act of traveling, and being in this different place to feel different feelings.
When I am able to travel now with clean feelings,
Knowing that I can create this adventure, relaxation in daily life-
I no longer rely on my surroundings for those emotions.
I no longer put pressure and all this expectation on the experiences.
Even when we showed up to a less than ideal location last vacation-
Where dogs were barking all night,
And chickens…and then roosters were singing.
We didn’t make it mean it was a failure.
We were annoyed…and tired yes.
But it was such a different experience.
It truly felt like a cultural experience
We got to live the way that culture actually lived (in some ways) Which is a huge reason we travel the way we travel.
We want to live like a local. (Mostly) I also had a new found appreciation for how the locals must learn how to sleep, or never sleep.
The expectation wasn’t lying externally to us, to what happened, didn’t happen during the vacation. We could just chose to be happy, curious, excited, in whatever we were experiencing on our trip.
We knew we had the power to love the experience,
Or to decide to make the experience miserable.
I have decided that at the end of my work day, and certain hours of the weekend are my “vacation hours”
I am going to approach them just like I would on vacation.
When I think this thought -
Multiple things happen.
It opens my mind to things that I could do to have a mini vacation every day
I naturally think differently about my time.
Opening my mind to things that I could do to have a mini vacation every day - what would you do if you thought of after work as mini vacation?
There are also so many layers to this thought.
I plan for what I would think would be fun after work.
But it also helps me plow through my work.
I am much more motivated to do my work, and in a timely fashion because I have this reward at the end of my day. I am much less sloppy because I also decide, that when I am done with the things I had on my to do list for the day - if I get them done early- I am not going to do more things,
I am going to go on my vacation a little early.
When I think of daily vacation,
I think of going for a long walk or hike with my hubby, myself, or a friend.
I think of getting creative with a delicious healthy meal.
I think of paddle boarding.
Going for a bike ride.
Cuddle up under a blanket reading a book on my back patio with the fire pit going.
Or maybe it’s snuggling up and watching a movie or show.
It creates these opportunities to think about the fun things I can do.
And it creates the opportunity to allow myself to relax and fully enjoy the moment. instead of feeling like I should be doing something else.
I remember - nope I decided that this was my vacation time. So I get to relax now. I did everything else I decided to do already.
When I just think about being off work -
Lots of times I just keep working
I stay disconnected from my friends/hubby
By scrolling through social media - something I would truly NEVER deliberately chose to be on.
I buffer, and do these things that are easy to do- but ultimately leave me at a net negative. I feel crappy after doing them.
When I am feeling crappy, I never get my boost for the next day.
When I don’t allow myself down time after work - if I keep working,
I miss out on my boost for my power surge the next day. I have come to love my vacation every day.
It has been super impactful for my life,
Loving deeply,
And producing incredible results. When I plan my daily vacation, I love what I am doing in the moment,
And then my heart is singing for hours if not days afterwards.
I got to connect with a friend,
Or just even simply spike my dopamine through whatever it is that makes my heart sing.
I think differently about my time when I am on my daily vacation
When I preface my time as my daily vacation - I am reminded to celebrate slowness.
To celebrate the introspection.
To celebrate the deliberate laziness.
I want to say to celebrate the non-productiveness…
But after all this work, I have found that this “non-productiveness” is actually the best, most productive producing thing I can do for the next day. I remind myself what I would see if I had never been to this place before.
What I would want to see if it was new to me.
I remind myself of the different cultures,
The different experiences others around me are experiencing
What it would be like to live in their shoes for a day, or a week?
No matter what the weather is like, I am able to feel at ease
Welcomed to the softness of the day when its rainy and cloudy. and even welcomed by the sun. I was always curious why cloudy weather bothered me so much when I was home,
And why it was always so relaxing on vacation.
On vacation I could think thoughts like, it’s a chill day just get to stay inside, read a book under a fuzzy blanket.
But when I am at home, it was like torture. Making me feel sad. I was able to borrow this thought from myself when I was on vacation.
This version of myself that wasn’t feeling pressure to produce, to be somewhere else. I was able to bring it home with me. I was able to bring the sunshine in my soul.
To thing sunshiny warm thoughts that supported me, when I realized the lack of sunshine was making me think sad thoughts.
Sharing experiences and connection with others, in new places is another one of my favorite things. I have lived in Boise,ID since I was 12 years old. I still have so many new favorites to find.
As we continue to grow, all of these fun adventures keep popping up,
Even if it’s just a park to go walk around, and have a picnic at in the warmer months.
It allows me space to remember what I love about vacation.
How can I pull those things into my daily vacation?
I have put a calendar reminder in my phone every week to reach out to friends to schedule to get together with them. Especially since I know that is something that is important to me, but it’s easy for me to get distracted and forget to reach out until the last minute. I have a reminder in my calendar that is my few hours in the evening that are my “daily vacation” blocked off time. I have a reminder in my calendar every Sunday or Monday to find things that I want to do for my daily vacation. In the notes portion of the event - I write out reminders of what I like to do during that time, so if I need some inspiration I have a back-up plan. I also lover reoccurring reminders, so I set it for 5pm every day and change the title to whatever it is I have decided to do. When I plan exactly how I want to spend my time, is when I hold myself to it. When I don’t schedule exactly what I am goign to do - and just let myself pick from the list, I miss out on the motivation of the excitement for the activity of the day, and unfortunately I many times don’t honor my stopping point. I am really lucky and have so much fun in my job. Sometimes it can feel like its own little dopamine hit, especially when you have the thought - this is better than that. Would you ever work over your hours when you were on vacation with things to see? Or would you work super efficient- and hope to work even less hours? How much more do you think you would get done, in less time if you decided to stop when you were done? Your brain would get excited about its efficiencies.
Because you are rewarding it with time off.
When you don’t reward yourself, and instead just get more things done,
It might feel better simply because you feel like you “got more things done” but often times this sets our brain up for failure. Just remember the thought - if I was truly on vacation right now -
How would I show up? What are the 3 most important for me to do? What do I need to get accomplished for me to feel satisfied right now? Your brain might tell you, you need to do more later. Embrace the moment when you are done.
Be strategic with your time.
You can make all the money in the world,
But you will never be able to buy more time.
Time is our most valuable resource.
How do you want to spend it?
What do you want to do? How will you show up,
How will it change your life if you let yourself have a daily vacation? What would you do with your time? Where do you want to go? Who do you want to spend your time with?
How do you not want to spend your time?
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